The Art of Command: Teaching Your Puppy to Respond to ‘Come

Training a puppy to come when called is a fundamental command that ensures their safety and improves their behavior. Here are steps you can follow to train your puppy to come when called:

  1. Start Indoors:
    • Begin the training indoors in a quiet and familiar environment. Choose a room with minimal distractions.
  2. Use a Positive Tone:
    • Use a positive and encouraging tone when calling your puppy. Make it sound like a fun and rewarding experience.
  3. Choose a Distinct Command:
    • Choose a specific and distinct command for recall, such as “come,” “here,” or any word you prefer. Be consistent in using the same command.
  4. Use Treats as Rewards:
    • Have small, tasty treats ready to reward your puppy. Hold a treat in your hand to get their attention.
  5. Get Down to Their Level:
    • Kneel down to your puppy’s level. It makes you less intimidating and more approachable.
  6. Call and Reward:
    • Say the recall command in an upbeat voice, like “Come!” When your puppy comes to you, immediately reward them with a treat and praise. Use a clicker if you’re clicker training.
  7. Repeat in Short Sessions:
    • Keep training sessions short and positive. Repeat the recall command and reward several times in each session.
  8. Increase Distance Gradually:
    • As your puppy becomes more reliable, gradually increase the distance between you and the puppy before calling them. Continue to reward and praise.
  9. Add Distractions:
    • Introduce mild distractions indoors, such as toys or other family members. Once your puppy responds well, you can move the training to a more distracting environment.
  10. Practice in Different Environments:
    • Take your training outdoors to the backyard or a quiet park. Gradually increase the level of distractions while reinforcing the command.
  11. Use a Long Leash:
    • In open areas, use a long training leash to maintain control while allowing your puppy more freedom. This ensures they are still safe during training.
  12. Never Punish for Coming Late:
    • If your puppy takes longer to come, avoid punishment. Simply reinforce the command and reward when they respond. Punishment can make them associate coming to you with negativity.
  13. End on a Positive Note:
    • Always end training sessions on a positive note. Call your puppy to you, reward them, and give them plenty of praise before finishing.
  14. Consistency is Key:
    • Consistency is crucial in training. Use the same command, be patient, and practice regularly. The more consistent you are, the faster your puppy will learn.

Remember that training takes time, and each puppy learns at their own pace. Be patient, stay positive, and make training a fun and rewarding experience for your puppy.


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